Come on ,close our eyes once again!
Try to avoid seeing the inevitable ....
One more time , the fire is burning once again...
Once more, someone sold the future of their children, for some money.
Now, open your eyes and look to the green mountain.
With awe you see that it's not green anymore.
It's rather grey....
Look at the ashes that your factory made,
look at the forests that you preferred to burn
in order to have your highway...
Now have a look at your sea.
Yeah it's your sea.YOU created this.
Oh how beautiful it looks with your wastes in it.
Can you hear the silent cries underneath it?
Can you hear the death that is lingering in it for all the sea creatures?
I hope you are satisfied now...
Now that you have killed the last living creature,
now that the air and the sea is polluted by you...
Now that the rivers run dark with oil.
Have a look at the world YOU created.
I hope you can live in peace now.
Now that your kind is the only living thing
in this hell.
I hope you are happy now.
Cause the days of your prosperity are coming to an end.-