A new Sun is about to rise.
A new era and a new challenge.
One I am eager to take.
Yet, I am afraid.
Afraid of myself, of my weaknesses and how I can rise above them.
I have a very high bar to bit.
I can't even begin to understand how they did it.
The amount of effort and bravery.
The sleepless nights,
The tenacity to train my character and brain.
To give me all I needed to thrive in the society.
How? How do I start?
How can I give you everything I have, without hurting you?
There are times that I feel afraid.
Afraid that I will not be good enough.
But then, I remember:
Fear is a superpower.
It makes us think faster, harder. Be on our feet.
I know it will be my friend going forward.
Fear and love always go hand in hand.
We always think that love makes you achieve unimaginable feats.
But no, if you peel its layer and get to the root of the motive, love is not the fuel of your engine.
It's fear.
Fear of seeing your loved ones get hurt.
Fear of what could scar them.
Fear will lend us its strength and push us upwards in ways we have never been pushed before.
So, Fear, please lend me your strength and thank you for being here.
To help me, help my Sun.